Friday, July 20, 2012

"Art washes away from the soul, the dust of everyday life." - according to the great artist, Picasso. Often I have reflected on the meaning in this. Everyday life can easily becomes routine, unexciting, dusty from lack of exploring new and untested waters. There is certainly something to be said for the comforts of routine, the safety, the worn old moccasins on our feet that feel so soothing. The danger in too much comfort, it seems to me, is apathy. As I swim through the untested waters of my life as a single person, I have gravitated toward the nurture and challenge I find in the art world. Dabbling, doodling, drawing and pushing new horizons in my creative ventures have always brought me to a new place. Making art is at once invigorating and aggrevating. On occasion the outcomes are great, so spontaneous, so exciting. Other times artistic endeavors make a person, such as me, stare into the face of perceived failure -a result that screams of 'sub-par' renderings! The past week I washed away a lot of dust in my life! Let me explain.

Art Exploration - Day One:

The Huntington Libraries, art collection and gardens of Pasadena, California have never been on my so called 'radar screen'. The beauty of the internet is the readily available information on areas of interest in any geographic location. The Huntington came to my awareness through my Google search early last week. Pasadena was an easy jaunt up one of the spider web of freeways here in the LA area, so off I sped, early in the day with Mr. P, my trusty RV. Thanks to the GPS world we live in, I arrived easily at the gate of this gem of beauty within an hour. Over the ensuing 6 hours, I was transported to worlds and places unknown as I perused 240 acres of gardens, turn-of-the-century top-notch architecture filled with the art collections of Mr. Huntington. The mega millions he amassed in the early 20th century came as the result of his uncle's ingenuity - the creation of the transcontinental railway system . One of the largest collections of original 17th and 18th century art by both American artists, as well as European artists is housed on the Huntington Estate. As I listened to the docent tell the stories of these great painters I was transported to a new mindset, sweeping away a good many of the dust 'bunnies' in my life. A walk in the imaginary shoes of another person that walks this earth has the potential of erasing the shades of melancholy which often creep, unnoticed, into one's soul. To understand, to realize, the commitment these artists have made to their life's work is nothing less that inspiring. It would, however, be a falsehood to believe that everytime the paintbrush touched a new canvas of one of these artists, that a magnificent work of art was produced. The truth is, the 'paint-over's' were numerous. Success did not come overnight and for many, success was not associated with these artists until AFTER their demise. There is a valuable lesson in this realization: Strive to work at your life's calling with persistence even when the rewards seem a distant dream. The inner soul satisfaction that comes with acting on the dreams in your life, is enough ....for now. Leave the rest to the great "Master Artist" - God. 

Art Exploration - Day Two:

Laguna Beach, California has, for 80 years, been the site of a marvelous yearly pageant that brings art to life in a venue like no other! Sitting in the outdoor theatre of the Irvine Bowl, an attendee at this years' production of "The Pageant of the Masters" was the highlight of last week for me. As my daughter and I listened to the orchestra and the narrations, and viewed the real-life models on stage, in three dimensions and framed by recreations of the art works of such masters as Picasso, Michaelangelo, Jan Vermeer, Edward Hopper and numerous other famous artists, the lights of the stage created surreal images before our eyes. We, together with about 2,500 other guests ooh'ed and ahhh'ed for several hours, as if we were watching the local fireworks extravaganza for the all-american 4th of July celebration. The hills and valleys of everyday life vanished from our consciousness as we lived in 'another world' for that Friday evening - such a treasured night was ours! The Festival of the Arts, a 2-month-long event in Laguna Beach is something everyone who enjoys
the arts should add to their bucket list. The daily art fair by local Orange County Artists of today is part of this wonderful venue. Bring more than your piggy bank if you come. You will be glad you

Art Exploration - Day Three (and more)

The 'art part' of this journey I find myself on is the art - 'I am making'. As I visit all my nieces and nephews across this great country, my plan is to present an art piece to each person/family. The art varies - most creations are in the form of either an art book of collaged elements or a wall piece of two-or-three-dimensional assemblage. As I search for just the right elements for each piece, I find myself reliving much of my life. Whether through the use of photo reproductions or salvaged elements from my 'art caves' - my treasure trove of craft supplies I have moved from house to house through the years which, incidentally, has been referred to (not so fondly) on occasion, at each move in my life as, "Carolyn's craft crap"! It is now finding new homes! Thoughts of - 'where I have come from' and 'where I am going' - run rampant in my consiousness as I paint, draw, paste, cut, tie, pound, wire-together and layer the little 'vignettes of meaning' together into a 'whole'. As I finish each piece, my hope is that they become
 metaphors of the seasons of life to my dear ones that receive them.  Two art projects down, 20 to go! 

For each day of my journey - a purpose - something I continue to aspire to.

I am listening,  

    I am learning,

       I am experiencing,

          I am becoming..... hopefully, something 'more'. 

nto the Wind - Nature Girl

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